Sunday, April 11, 2010

What is the Tea Party?

The so-called "Tea Party" movement has sprung up and risen in the past couple of months. Many people are wondering just who the Tea Party is, and what they want. Here are some videos that give a rough idea:

It should be noted that these videos aren't a definitively representative example of how every member of the Tea Party is like, but it's a good start. You'll notice that almost everyone in the videos is white, middle-aged, and many seem to be shockingly ignorant of the details of the things about which they are speaking. They do not "come from all walks of life" as one woman put it in the videos. If you're a member of the Tea Party, it means you're also probably male, rural, upper-middle class, and conservative. The Tea Party is small, with only 10-18% of Americans saying they are a member.

While some people say that race is playing a major factor in these protests, it's hard to say that the whole party is that way. It is true, however, that many signs at Tea Party gatherings have been ignorant, racist, offensive, and inappropriate for what is essentially a demonstration against the federal government spending money.

It is also hard to miss the frequent accusations (unfounded) of socialism, communism, marxism, fascism, and whatever else the Tea Party members have come up with.
The Tea Party claims to be fighting "tyranny", despite the fact that President Obama was democratically elected, just like every other president in American history has been (including George W. Bush, no matter how much people like to argue about it). This is only one example of the insanity of the Tea Party, but at least they seem honest about how they feel.

A majority of members of the Tea Party have also experienced unemployment at some point in the recent past, or are currently unemployed. It will be interesting to see how many people stick with the movement after they get back on their feet, which will probably happen sooner than later because of that darn communist, pinko, fascist, socialist Obama's horrible stimulus package that is ruining the country.

It wouldn't be surprising if they continue with their hypocritical antics and maintain that Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, the Democrats, the "liberal" media and others are still the enemy, even after the main reason they're protesting no longer exists.

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