Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Music You Gotta Check Out

Kid Cudi

A lot of people already know about this guy, but if you haven't already, you need to listen to Kid Cudi. The rapper from Cleveland first made himself known in 2009, with the hit single "Day' n' Nite", which shows off his chill and mellow style of rapping. Cudi's got style, maybe too much even, as he dresses like a hipster (wearing overly-large glasses for no apparent reason) and hangs out with other hipsters, like Frenchman David Guetti. His album "Man on the Moon: The End of Day" has a plethora of catchy songs that will get stuck in your head for days, while he also got some notables to feature on certain songs - Kanye West and Common on "Make Her Say", as well as Ratatat and MGMT on "Pursuit of Happiness". Cudi's come a long way in a short time, but expect to see him just get even bigger.

Kid Cudi - Pursuit of Happiness (feat. Ratatat and MGMT)


North Carolina's B.O.B., aka Bobby Ray, just released his debut album "B.O.B. Presents: The Adventures of Bobby Ray", and it's fantastic. Bobby made a bunch of mixtapes before the outbreak of his first album, and the evolution of his writing and rapping is clearly evident on the new cd. B.O.B. has some great rhymes and his lyrics run the gauntlet from beautiful poetry to biting criticism (as evident on "Haterz Everywhere" or "Fuck You"). His passion is clearly evident though, and he's just going out there having fun doing his thing. While B.O.B. hasn't broken through and become as well-known as more established rappers, such as Eminem, his songs are still dope, and he should get the credit he deserves.

B.O.B. - "Not Love"

Chiddy Bang

Philly-based duo Chiddy Bang met while they were at Drexler University. Chiddy, aka Chidera Anamege, raps while Noah Beresin, aka Xaphoon Jones, mixes up popular songs by bands like MGMT and Passion Pit to create a cool-sounding mish-mash of hip-hop electronica that comes off amazingly well. Though mixing pop songs with rap is nothing new, there's something different about these two that makes them stand out. Though they don't have an album out yet, the two have made some mixtapes that can be accessed through the internet, and their song "Opposite of Adults" is a hit on youtube. Check them out.

Chiddy Bang - "Opposite of Adults"

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